Sunday, January 16, 2011

Only Liberals Could Conceive of Turning a Memorial Into a Pep Rally

On Wednesday January 12, 2011 President Obama took the occasion of a memorial for the murdered victims in Tucson to launch a new political campaign. His "Together We Thrive" campaign came complete with t-shirts they handed out to the cheering crowd .

To the sound of thunderous applause the President proceeded to admonish people about taking advantage of this tragedy to promote a political agenda. What he neglected to mention was that it was HIS side seeking to gain an advantage in this tragedy.

From before the ambulances arrived on scene, the leftist media went on full attack mode to blame this horror on "right-wing hatred & vitriol". They then proceeded to point to their usual list of bogeymen,Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh & the Tea Party members. Time & again, without presenting any evidence to support their assertions, the media kept presenting the meme that it is the right-wing that promotes violence & uses imagery to promote hatred & violence.

Here are just a few photos of what the media DOESN'T consider inflammatory or incitement to violence:

It took me all of 2 minutes to find these few examples. Entire books can be written about the political lefts promotion of hatred & violence. Not the same can be said about conservatives.


1 comment:

  1. This is riDAMNdiculous. Imagine if they had a picture of a tea partier holding just an Obama doll with big ears.
