Monday, January 3, 2011

The Democrat Party's History of Racism

Since the first Democrat president, Andrew Jackson, was elected in 1829, this party has dedicated itself to the belief that some people are better than others & as such deserve more rights than their inferiors. Throughout it's history Democrats have proposed laws to limit the rights of women & minorities. From Jackson thru Obama the Democrats see everything through the goggles of identity politics. There is no such thing as just a Man in their eyes, he must be a white man or a black man or a Hispanic man or even a woman but never, no never, just another American citizen.

They fought against freeing the slaves, woman's suffrage, the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, etc. Today they seek to make slaves of us all. the link I'm providing is just a thumbnail glimpse into the history of racism against blacks in this country. I will be following up with more detailed pieces showing exactly what party is responsible for so much suffering not only throughout our history but today as well.

A Brief History of Racism Against Blacks in the U.S.

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